Gabriel Rodríguez

Raona Corporate website

September 2017 (1 month)
Graphic material
See screenshots

Design of a single-page corporate website with fullpage scroll effect for the company Raona. In this project, I collaborated with two other developers in the layout design and final perfecting of the site, as well as in the programming of the animations and effects in the different sections.

My role in the project:

  • Website layout and development, in collaboration with the HTML specialist at Whads.
  • Client-side logic coding.
  • Programming the animations, following the guidelines laid out by the designers.

Raona's website has since been redesigned once again, but it's still possible to access a partially working version of the iteration I created by using the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, link in the information card.

You can also take a look at the graphic material below, where there's a video showcasing it.